Rainbow Magic

There is a lot of rainbow energy on earth at the moment. Humanity is healing and evolving. I invite you to connect to your heart space to read the musings below, connected to the energy of the rainbow.

On June 26th, just in time for Gay Pride weekend, the Supreme Court in America ruled that same sex marriage be a right nationwide, this is a huge step forwards in accepting and allowing for the union of love, no matter what sexual orientation. Love is love, it has no judgements and no boundaries. Check the New York Times piece here.  A rainbow pride flag has been the energy used to represent gay pride for many years.


Symbolically, rainbows represent unity – the state of being united or joined as a whole. It is a connection between the earth and the sky, a celestial bridge between the physical plane and the spiritual.

I had the word ‘rain‘ tattooed on my arm at a friend’s birthday party last year (he hired a tattooist for his party – I wanted a unicorn rearing up over a fairy but they wouldn’t do it!) and I swear since then it has rained everywhere I go. It even managed to rain and storm in California, where they were experiencing a drought at the time. The awareness of rain made me think about it quite deeply for mother earth. The reason I had the word rain tattooed was because, for me, it energetically represents to purify and cleanse. Rain is the gift from the clouds, it washes away pain and negativity, things that make you sad, things that need to be healed.

Even though rain can be annoying, spoiling our plans. Imagine how happy it makes mother earth; it nourishes her, allows her to grow, feeds her soul. Life is about balance; we need the rain, we need the sun, like we need the dark and the light. I have spent a good amount of time with keepers of the earth and they are so happy and grateful when it rains; the land is happy, the animals are happy, the plants are happy.

Native American Indians respect the rain, they dance for it; welcoming its nourishing magic to their lands so that it may birth food to nourish their bodies. I went to a ritual rain dance in Hopi Land last year and it was really powerful to witness their dance and the obvious reverence they have for earth’s magic. It was a really slow, deep and intense dance, and the men dancing were wearing some seriously strong looks! I didn’t take any photos, but their custom dress was something like the below.


In places where there is not a lot natural earth in abundance, I.E. cities, or, when you’re on holiday and wanting some sun, people don’t welcome the rain so much. But, what is the rain telling you?

Rain represents tears, sorrow, anger, cleansing, renewal, forgiveness and more. If we pay more attention to the rain, we can listen to what it is trying to tell us on a deeper level. I find it quite interesting in cities when it rains a lot. Cities are man made and often there is so much energy flying around that would usually be earthed by nature. A lot of it is negative energy, maybe because of the fast pace and amount of people living there who are stressed with their jobs and suffering from a lack of nature connection – as concrete takes the place of trees, there is no where left to earth the energy. I feel like rain comes in these instances to wash away the negative vibes. And not to forget the amount of pollution Mother Nature has to deal with!

Also, what does it mean when there is no rain for too long of a time? One thing that comes to my mind is that maybe people are losing connection to the earth and its energies, and need to tune back in. Mother Nature is making a stand until they take notice and respect her!

We also, of course, need the fresh rain to nourish and cleanse our own bodies.

One of my favourite things to do when it rains, is to be outside, yet under shelter, listening to the rain and enjoying its work. I was just in Costa Rica in rainy season and there were some serious storms busting about! I stayed in a tree-house and the storms were so strong I thought the sky was going to fall in. Amidst the many, (many) bugs taking shelter in my tree-house and biting me whenever they could, it was really beautiful to witness nature at her most powerful, regenerating after the heat of the dry season.

After the rain, comes a rainbow. Not always, but if we are lucky and the strength of the sun pierces through. Rainbows happen when the sun’s light disperses and refracts through rain drops in the earth’s atmosphere, creating a colourful arch. Symbolically, also look at the time the rainbow appears, the significance usually renders strongly.

I have noticed how, when something heavy happens to a person, something that they can’t quite understand or deal with on the physical plane, they seek something higher, turning to a form of spirituality. Either that or they numb themselves. Or, they numb themselves, realise it is a bad idea and they can never escape what they need to heal, and then seek something cosmic. From my experience I can confirm this, I went through processes of pain – as practically everyone living on earth at this time has gone through – and went through a process of numbing myself and then seeking something else more magical, yet more real. I found a kind of higher support, which lead to understanding, healing and learning to trust that everything happens for a reason. It also lead me to a place where I can now help others, as one of the best ways to heal and understand others’ pain is to go through and heal your own pain first. To do this you need to be present with your own pain, don’t deny or run away from it.  When you bring honesty, attention and presence to it, things change – slowly, but they change.


I had rainbow colours  (which are also the chakra colours – the energy centres of the body – I am writing a piece on chakras which will explain them more) added on to my tattoo after my friend’s party, as they didn’t have time at the party itself. I also had the R on Rain thickened, as someone pointed out it looked like it said Pain, which is actually quite poignant! Pain – Rain – Rainbow.


For me, a rainbow does mean connection to spirit; it represents something magical and other worldly, lifting us up from the mundane reality and into other realms of higher vibrations. First the rain cleanses, and then comes the rainbow.

I feel like a purification process happens in the self and earth, needing the rain, to cleanse and heal, and then the rainbow comes to show the magic of rebirth and ascension – birthing something new and exciting, with the sunshine coming out to play alongside.

We are slowly, humanly, evolving into something more beautiful and accepting, people are becoming one in this unity we all crave. The hierarchical structure is becoming less, judgements are questioned, attention is turning back to the energies of mother earth. People are dealing with the anger and sadness they feel inside, are beginning to heal the years of pain and seek something else; happiness.

We need to do this to evolve, to protect the future of humanity and earth.

Freedom, joy, harmony. The shift is happening and we are all in this together; each one of us has the power to change things. But first the change starts within, by our own actions and we have to cleanse and heal the deepest depths of our soul before we can step forwards into a new age that will be golden. Acceptance, forgiveness, patience and compassion (for the self and the other) are keys for this process.

I have a theory, that I am trying to work on, but I am quite human and not perfect, so it is taking time… When someone is horrible for some reason, try and look beyond what they are presenting to understand where their pain comes from, and try not to react to the pain they have inside. If you are present and respond with compassion, and not let the pain of someone else effect you, which you would then go around and effect others with, it could have a beautiful little rainbow effect, with you radiating love to this person instead, and not judging them for their actions and carrying their pain with you.

I know we are human and we all carry things inside that other people’s pain sometimes activates. In this case we can be present with these feelings, step away and breathe, so we can respond and not react. You should always tell someone if their behaviour is unacceptable, but a key is not to take on their negative energy and pass it on. Read the situation and respond, don’t react.

A lot of how we unconsciously operate comes from patterns passed down from our parents and the conditioning we received growing up (especially until around the age of six). By putting awareness and presence into everything we do, we can begin to become aware of our negative patterns and begin to change. Breath is another key for this.

I have also been thinking that, if we begin to rise out of our low vibrations and ego patterns and problems, and enter in to our heart spaces to hear the little magical messages of spirit and consciousness, we will move up a level and enter into another vibration of consciousness, where things get a lot more fun and interesting, and where there is still darkness and light, but it is somehow more soulful and means something higher in the great mystery of life.

I hope there is something within these words that resonate, I would love for your feedback below! Rainbows are magic. I love the image used as the header image, I could have used something termed as ‘real’, but I love what the imagination can produce. I do not know who this artist is, but they have combined my favourite things in one, and actually the key things in my book, which I am currently editing and hope to finish very soon! It’s called Magic Exists. We are in such a big shift on earth at the moment, things are changing and people are stepping up into their power. We are becoming one and collectively our energy will take us to more magical places, birthing the next generation for earth. If we don’t, the earth is f*cked and we will be too.

Rainbows come to remind us what we have been through, what the earth has been through, and of our potential for what is to come. Magic Exists.



 This post was written by Kim Booth



There are 3 comments

  1. Sara

    I loved this Kim, beautifully written; insightful and accessible. Since I’ve had children, it’s my belief that this generation will have even greater awareness and wisdom than we do and my hope is they help heal the earth in ways we’ve yet to imagine. Look forward to reading more of your articles soon.
    Much love, Sara xxx

    1. Cosmic Pineapple

      thank you lovely! yes, i agree, the souls being born now are already so cosmic and have such a beautiful connection. they are our teachers! i can’t wait to see what they do and what is possible :) thank you! xxx

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