Why I Think You Should Drink Yerba Mate – by Luke Armstrong

A writer pretending to be a scientist once did an experiment with Yerba Matè…

Having no scientific training whatsoever, he made it constantly, drank it chronically, and gave it to his roommates and their friends to drink. When he traveled, he brought 15 kilos in his suitcase. When he passed through security, TSA pulled him aside for secondary screening.

“What’s all this?” they asked, intoning that perhaps this was marijuana.

“It’s just Yerba Matè,” the writer said to the TSA agent, “And it makes me happy, so I bring a lot of it everywhere and give it to everyone.”

Full disclosure readers: I am the aforementioned writer and when I met Kim I forced her to drink Yerba Matè because why not, it’s delicious and makes people happy.

Yerba Matè tastes like green tea that has traveled the world and come back with wisdom and vinegar. It’s an acquired taste but acquire it and it will change your life. Ask anyone from Argentina or Uruguay!


I don’t drink coffee much anymore, not from some effort to get off it but because upon rising in the morning I began to dream of making Yerba Matè. Once introduced to Yerba Matè, Yerba Matè soon began severing my ties with my other teas.

Yerba Matè gives you coffee’s up-up-up without its tensing downs.

Yerba Matè is a doorway into a land of productive jive without all the frenetic afterthoughts and irritation that coffee induces. And if this last sentence offended you, me think though doth protest too much and perhaps it’s because you love coffee so much you can’t stand to hear someone reveal the horrible truth of what coffee’s got going on after hours?

Either way, I don’t want anyone to hate coffee. I just want you to love Yerba Matè. Based on my shallow google research and word on the street, Matè is hella healthy for you.

So, one day if an unkempt man with a wild beard approaches you with a golden thermos with a silver bombilla straw and says, “Hey try this!” don’t worry, it’s probably just me, and it’s likely just Yerba Matè, and I think you’re going to love it.

This post was written by Luke Armstrong


My book ‘The Nomad’s Nomad

Please check the education center we endeavor to fund with The Integral Heart Family for 2017: https://goto.gg/25687


Check also: Yerba Mate Health Benefits






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