This Sagittarius Full Moon offers us the wisdom, perspective, and inspiration that will be essential to our ongoing progress.
From astrologist Pam Younghans on her Northpoint Journal:
THIS FULL MOON tells us that we are ready to make a major transition. But, because of that feeling of having to meet a deadline, it is easy to succumb to pressure now. We may respond by having problems making decisions, either endlessly vacillating, worrying, or making decisions too quickly.
It will be important to take our time with any decisions now, especially with Mercury opposing Saturn and squaring Neptune on Monday. We can either be too pessimistic or overly idealistic with these aspects — or most likely seesawing between the two.
Our best advice is to make sure we use both Saturn’s objective practicality and Neptune’s visionary insights to guide our choices. If we do this successfully, we can reap the benefits of this Sagittarius Full Moon, which offers us the wisdom, perspective, and inspiration that will be essential to our ongoing progress.