Meditate: Ultra-Violet Angelic Fire Transmission
Dissolving Cords and Lower Energy Interference
Dissolving Cords and Lower Energy Interference
Become a Cosmic Music Creator with Ceri…
The Emerald explores the human experience through a vibrant lens of myth, story, and imagination. Brought to life through the wise, wild, and humorous vision of Joshua Michael Schrei — a teacher and lifelong student of the cosmologies and mythologies of the world.
A deeper look into the sacred cacao bean and how it can work magic on your heart.
Since time began, the call to create a sacred sisterhood becomes the call to share our hearts and accept love. Being a space holder is the biggest honour of them all.
We live in a sea of subtle energies. We can become conscious of them and learn to use them. – By Antara Healing Arts
Yoga (union of body, mind, soul and spirit) is rediscovering who we are and returning to a life of joy, bliss and freedom.
If you want to learn the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. – Nikolas Tesla
Magic happens in the in between…
Vision: To see beyond the dark.