New Moon / partial solar eclipse in Virgo – September 12/13th

September 2015 is a powerful month with a lot happening.  There will be two eclipses – a partial solar eclipse takes place on September 12/13th, and a total lunar eclipse of a perigee full moon (SuperMoon) happens on September 27-28th.

Eclipses signal major beginnings and completions. A time to let go of what no longer serves you and be open to the new. The September eclipse happens in Virgo. Virgo has to do with health, well being, vitality, how you nourish yourself – mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically. Take extra good care of your body – what you put in, you get out. Exercise, eat well, drink water, observe your thoughts, listen to your body, meditate, download.

“Eclipses are the most powerful transit that you can experience… There is a cosmic download of new information into your DNA. You are being re-calibrated. Reset and readjusted to a higher vibration. Take it easy. You may feel eclipsed.” – Kelley Rosano

Virgo also rules your service to the world and your purpose. This is an opportunity to look at what your purpose is and why you are here. Virgo loves details – look at the finer points – what needs to be released? What needs to stay? What needs to grow?

The September 12/13th eclipse will also be opposed by the asteroid Chiron, currently placed opposite Virgo, in Pisces. Chiron (the wounded healer) has been especially active the past month. The eclipse may bring into awareness what pain you carry and what is in your way. It is a time to flush out old fears, weaknesses, wounds, pains in the body.  Things come up with strength in order for you to look at, understand and release. Let go. Heal what needs to be healed. So that you can leave this old energy behind and step into the new.

Be the change you seek in the world.  Build a daily ritual for yourself that allows you to connect and know your own energy every day. Sometimes we are surrounded by so many energies that we forget who we are. It is important to create space for yourself and to connect daily.

As Mercury also goes retrograde from September 17th – October 9th in Libra, it’s a good time to slow down and go over things. Libra represents harmony, balance and equality.  How are you best in harmony with you body, nature, the world around you?

Saturn also moves into Sagittarius for roughly the next two years on September 17th, this is a time for search of Truth.  Saturn has been in Scorpio since the end of 2012 (Saturn spends on average about two and a half years in each sign), unearthing things we don’t want to look at, so that a transformation may take place. Now, the planet of lessons moves into Sagittarius – the search of Truth reigns.

With so much going on in the sky (as above so below), things may come up that are disturbing, but ultimately, look at these to be released and know that what you let go leaves space for something new and even better, that serves your higher purpose to move forward.

Check Kaypacha’s weekly report:


Check Kelley Rosano’s Solar Eclipse and Mercury Retrograde report:


About Solar Eclipses:

“A solar eclipse is a New Moon with tremendous impact. The Sun that gives us life and lights our path is joined briefly with the dark and mysterious qualities of the Moon. The Moon blocks the light of the Sun. In this moment of perceived darkness, spirituality and the psyche combine anew, beginning another cycle in the spiral of our personal development.

All eclipses indicate change; solar eclipses signify beginnings and usually manifest as events in the outer world. At solar eclipses we: begin something new, make promises to ourselves, commit, announce, present ourselves, show up, make plans, select events, make decisions, rise to the challenge, make an effort, change, mature, take on greater challenges, travel at a faster pace, feel restless, feel pressured by deadlines and a buildup of emotions, experience a crisis and feel excited.

The heightened impact of eclipse energy can be felt by everyone as much as 3 months in advance and has subtle reverberations for as long as 3 years afterwards. Although the energies are most prominent for a week on either side of the eclipse (many feel a heightened sense of anxiety during this period), the influence on events continues. Eclipse periods are extremely active, often associated with meaningful events and public exposure.” From


* The New Moon will happen on September 13th at 06.41am GMT. The partial solar eclipse will only be visible in South Africa, Antarctica and locations in Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Check your local time zones.

These are the upcoming strong astro aspects this month:
Virgo New Moon Eclipse September 13
Mercury Retrograde September 17 – October 9
Saturn enters Sagittarius September 17
Sun enters Libra September 23
Autumn equinox September 23
Mars enters Virgo September 24
Venus trines Uranus September 24
Sun and Moon sextile Saturn September 24
Pluto direct September 25
Mars square Saturn September 26
Aries Full Moon Eclipse September 27

**Full moon report will come just before the full moon!


Check the new moon calendar here:


 This post was inspired by the above astrology reports, current life observations and written by Kim Booth



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