Cosmix 31 – Fabio Florido

Cosmix 31 comes from music lover, nemophilist and cosmic cloud observer, Fabio Florido. 

“Everydayness is transformed as soon as we try to reflect on it. It’s in fact a continuous dance between the familiar and the extraordinary.” – I read this quote on Fabio’s Instagram and thought it quite fitting to add to the piece for his Cosmix, which was made during quarantine, as was the EP to which the quote pertains – ‘Ecstatic Quotidian‘ – released on his label Runa. As with many creatives, Fabio’s energy turned towards inward reflection during quarantine and gave birth to new creations and new inspirations.

A music passion born from Tuscany’s underground rave scene, Fabio has promoted events, produced music for labels including MINUS, SCI+TEC, Mood and Plus8 and played music around the world (he recently played in some underground caves in the Czech Republic, as event restrictions begin to lift globally).  A lover and giver, he has a compulsive passion for nightlife and music creation and is in constant pursuit of forward-looking sounds, tools and technology. A dark, techno inspired journey ending with a cosmic message, check his cosmix and questions alongside, below.


Where was it recorded?

At my home studio in Berlin, using my Model1 Playdifferently mixer and layering multiple styles all together.


How would you like for people to feel when they listen to the mix? 

Without great pretensions. I would like to convey some lightness, expansion and depth. At first I wanted to do it totally “ambient”, but the uplifting feeling of some techno/electronic tracks is incomparable. I hope you enjoy it!


How has music helped to sculpt and guide you in life?

Any answer to words would take away much of the meaning, since I can’t really describe it in a sentence. Like for many others, music is the engine of my existence, the guidance that allows me to deal with any of life’s circumstance.


Music is?

Beauty of form, harmony, vibration and expression of emotion.


What does the word cosmic mean to you? 

I pretty much see it for its metaphysical meaning more then just extra-terrestrial. Cosmic is something beyond imagination, heavenly, transcending what is perceptible to our senses. Supernatural, huge and meaningful!


Please can you give us a cosmic piece of art, quote or book that moves you? 

“The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge” from Jeremy Narby. It’s a book that opens fresh perspectives on biology, anthropology and the limits of rationalism communicated to the author directly under the influence of hallucinogens coming from master plants.


What do you think is the role of the DJ in the modern world?  

DJs should understand a bit more the enormous responsibility of playing this role! Especially in these times where we are asked to rethink our way of livingDJs should start being an example in many fields, hoping that followers would be inspired by the good things instead of “battling for success” and “egocentrism”. And play good music, of course!


How can we make the world a better place?  

Changing ourselves and our impact on the environment in the small daily actions. Acting from a place of love and investing that love in anything we do. Replacing anger with understanding and compassion. Once we can access our pure intuition free from fears and ego-related stuff, then the world WILL already be a better place.


Are there any causes you support that you would like to bring awareness? 

There are already enough causes around to take care of these days. I would like to remind you to don’t forget to think about yourself. Not in a selfish way, of course. But take good care of yourself and keep your mind in a positive vibration before compulsively help the world and get frustrated by that.. balance of giving/receiving is always key.


Your favourite cosmic website?


Your star sign? 



A pineapple fact?

One pineapple plant can produce only one pineapple at a time.


A music fact?

An “octave” is the interval between one musical pitch and another with double its frequency!


Check here to listen to the mix:



This post was written by Kim Booth

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