Humano is a documentary that narrates a young man’s journey to the Andes mountains, accompanied only by a camera, two hundred questions and the yearning to discover the origin of man. In Q’eros, he meets a shaman who will explain that before answering his questions, he must learn to be Human.
A beautiful documentary exploring questions of the reasons for existence. The film focuses on personal discoveries and the search for identity from the point of view of Incan traditions.
Set in the high Andean plateau for a uninterrupted period of three months, [the documentary] didn’t have any script or planning. The only guide were the questions, the heart of the director and the shaman. They were the only main characters and witnesses of this intimate journey to the depths of the collective unconscious. The documentary has demonstrated that other ways of making films is possible, not only regarding their production, but also their exhibition. [We] took the maximum advantages of all the technological resources available and of social media. Thanks to the help of more than 200 humans that collaborated as sponsors, technicians and collaborators it was possible to make this movie, that tells the story of who we are.
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