Symbolism: The magic of the butterfly – transformation

Animal totems allow us to symbolically discover, connect to and bring awareness to aspects of the self. They can also bring protection, meaning, wisdom and power to our daily lives, as we call on their energy to guide us through.

A symbol of change and transformation, a delicate butterfly emerges from the darkness of a cocoon and dances through the air, exploring and honoring the gifts of mother nature.

According to, a butterfly symbolizes:

  • Powerful transformation, metamorphosis in your life, personality
  • Moving through different life cycles
  • Renewal, rebirth
  • Lightness of being, playfulness
  • Elevation from earthly matters, tuning into emotional or spiritual
  • The world of the soul, the psyche
  • A secondary meaning of the butterfly is about finding joy in life and lightness of being.

In 2005, I began my music and events PR company, Rebel Butterfly. I named it after two of my favourite songs at that time – David Bowie ‘Rebel Rebel’ and Mason Jennings ‘Butterfly‘, a song which I found through a group of Canadians I met whilst traveling in Laos, as we sat stoned around a candle and shared music from our ipods.

At the time I didn’t even think about the symbolism of the butterfly, but the deeper I travel into the world of spirit, I realise and have infinite gratitude for the magic of this delicate insect, which has guided me through changes in my life. And still it continues to now, as I experience another transformation from one career to another that is more in alignment with my evolution and soul path.

Your animal totem (or spirit animal) chooses you, it cannot be chosen. To find your animal you must first practice awareness – be present to what is in the world within and around you.

A shamanic drum journey is one of the best ways to find your animal (the shaman / drummer will guide you on how you take your journey into the subconscious). It can also come during meditations, dreams (day or night), or other altered states of consciousness (like natural plant or fungus based ceremonies). The animal can also appear in physical form and generally distinguishes itself with unusual behaviour or multiple encounters in a short time span. I also think it can come through creative mediums such as art and music.

Originating from animism and totemisem beliefs, it is said that we possess at least one animal totem in our lifetimes, that serve as our personal protectors, guides, helpers and companions. I have had a few animal guides come to me through shamanic drumming journies, visions and dreams; some come only for a short while for a lesson I had to learn, or when I needed their particular energy and help, and a few I know will be with me forever, like the tiny wonder of nature, the butterfly.

Connect to nature and your soul for change and transformation.

The below photo is the blue morpho butterfly.


To find out more on how to find your spirit animal, check here

For a guide to various spirit animals, check here

And, it is recommended to buy the below book!



This post was written by Kim Booth




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