Cosmic Pineapple @ Pikes 2021- Create Your Own Reality

Like the spider weaves her web, we weave a dream of reality. 



Cosmic Pineapple summer Ibiza dates:

May 27th, June 10th, July 22nd, Sept 7th, Sept 22nd, October 7th

Cosmic Pineapple is a place of connection – to the self, the other and planet earth. The intention of Cosmic Pineapple since the start, in 2015, has been to plant cosmic seeds of awareness, that people can experience and take away with them.

The Cosmic Pineapple events are held at the legendary venue Pikes Hotel in Ibiza, since 2016, an Alice in Wonderland style venue with much to explore and the perfect canvas to paint an event on.

Cosmic Pineapple offerings range from music from special secret guest DJs and live artists (past guests include Afrodeutsche, Carl Craig, Cassy, Cici (resident), DJ Tennis, Ellen Allien, Ida Engberg, Jamie Jones, Josh Wink…), yoga, conscious talks (Daniel Pinchbeck, Casita Verde, Ibiza Preservation Fund, Creative Cleansing), meditation, creative expression, sound healing, esoteric wisdom (Lex Empress SoulSong, Tree Carr Dream workshop, Tantra workshops, breathwork), ancient healing practices and teachings (Huni Kuin tribe, Moon Dance teachings, Dogon Tribe, Shaman Durek, Mamamoon, cacao ceremonies), nature connection, care for the earth, psychic readings, market shopping, poolside fun, food and more woven in to your experience. 



Cosmic Pineapple teaches you to be present, to live in the now. There is always something happening, to explore and take you away from your phone for just one moment. Cosmic Pineapple offers experiences of creativity, healing and expansion, inviting you to take off the masks that you have become accustomed to, and explore and express the truth of who you are. 

This season will open your mind and heart a little more, with connections of inspiration. Story tellers, teachers, music makers from Ibiza and beyond are here to share their magic and wisdom – a cosmic mix of creatives with big hearts who want to do good. Cosmic creatress and Cosmic Pineapple resident since the start Cici, will play dates across the summer and the magic of BayBJane will be floating around being cosmically cosmic.

We all have the power to create the reality we desire. No matter where we start, we begin as we are, and with the magic of intention, desire and focus, we create our own reality. Our perception of the world is based on the lense we look through. How do you see the world and your place in it?


In this time of great change on planet earth, where we are questioning more than we ever have, and recognising there is much more than meets the eyes. Everything is coming to the surface to be seen, felt and, from this, we have the power and choice of how we want to take responsibility to evolve and perceive the world and our place in it. 

“This year’s Cosmic Pineapple theme is based around my first Vision Quest, held last year in Ibiza. For four days and four nights, I sat in a 3-metre by 3-metre square in nature, with no food or drink in silence. This is traditionally a Native American rite of passage, where the quester goes into the wild to receive a vision from spirit. My strongest message came from a spider and her web, woven intricately above my head. A spider represents the weaver of life, wisdom keeper and the infinite possibilities of divine creation, as she patiently weaves. She was my only friend for the four days. Twice I broke the web that she had created, and by the next morning, during my sleep, it was woven again, as she created a new story. This is what create your own reality means to me. No matter what happens in your life, you have the power within to start again. Somehow there is a greater plan at work and we are all part of this. The first year of Cosmic Pineapple, I had experienced a huge trauma and the events taught me of the goodness of human compassion and connection, how when we all come together for a higher cause, we can create magic, all from our hearts.  

Every Cosmic Pineapple event has a charity element towards it – based on the yogic philosophy where you dedicate your practice to something else. We have so far raised almost €30,000 for different charities around the world; from war struggles, to ocean clean-up projects, mental health, animal charities and earth healing projects. 

 A few days ago, I was in town and I saw a three year old girl with a t-shirt saying “Make the future awesome”. This couldn’t have been more timely. We are all here at this time for a reason.”- Kim Booth, cosmic curator   


What are you creating in this moment? Be present. In your heart. Be grateful for where you are. Let go of what holds you back. Expansion. See what you want to see. Every thought is a step towards what you want. Take back your power. Power within. Power of choice. Believe in magic. Living in creation. Alignment. Energy goes where intention flows. Look within to grow, heal, move forward and blossom. Awaken to your higher purpose.

 We begin on may 27th and on the energy of a full moon eclipse. The opening event has lots of magic to share! Check instagram and facebook to find out more on who will be taking part.

The opening event will donate all charity proceeds to Palestine children funds. 

Instagram: @wellcosmic 


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