SuperMoon Lunar Eclipse in Aries – September 27/28th – magical transformation

On September 27/28 the fourth and final lunar eclipse in a ‘lunar tedrad’ series (four eclipses in a row) will happen in the sign of Aries, completing the eclipse cycle happening since April 2014.

This eclipse, also known as a blood moon, happens when the earth passes between the Sun and the moon, creating a red shadow on the surface of the moon.  Throughout history the blood moon is said to signify a great change or event about to happen.

Falling just after the Autumn Equinox (where day and night are of equal length), this full moon is also called the Harvest moon.

The full moon will also be a SuperMoon – where the moon’s elliptical orbit will be closest to the earth and the moon appears bigger in the night sky. It is the first SuperMoon Total Lunar Eclipse in over 30 years and the next one won’t be until 2033.

Eclipses signify change and transformation. The moon is in Aries – the sign of action, leadership and energy, whilst the Sun is in Libra – the sign of balance, justice, harmony and relationships – this is a good time to look at how you nurture your relationships – with yourself and the people and world around you. What needs to change, what needs to stay and what needs to be let go? Take action and take care.

Full moons represent the completion of a cycle. Imagine that now you are emptying everything out so that you can start a fresh as a clear new vessel. The cosmic energies are supporting you for a shift to release, surrender and let go of all that does not serve you. Anxieties may have risen to the surface and a lot of people may notice they have gotten sick, releasing the physical manifestations of that which does not serve us. This will be especially strong around the full moon so they can be released, ready for a clear new cycle. If you are in any kind of illness or anxiety, trust that it has come up for a reason and let it go – do not attach. “This Too Will Pass” is a good mantra.

This is a strong moon to let go of fears and obstacles – from your past, your present, your projections of the future, fears that have been passed down through your family, your society; they no longer serve you. Connect and align. Stand strong in your purpose and believe what you already know inside. Trust and move forwards in power.

Completing this series of eclipses, look at what has been happening for you since April 2014, what ideas have formed ready to be put into action?

This is a time of big change on earth. Light workers, shamans, medicine people, gatekeepers are waking up and coming into their power and tapping into the ancient sacred knowledge they already know inside. Tribes are coming together with ideas and energy to push forwards, to co-create and work together in unity.

This full moon brings a message of healing and transformation. Energy is rising. Believe and align with the magic of the cosmos.

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Let go of all that does not serve you. A little full moon ceremony can be this:

Create your space. When I say create your space I mean create a space that you can feel peaceful – tidy up, open a window to let fresh air in and make sure you feel comfortable and won’t be disturbed. If you can go outside in nature, even better.

Connect to your breath – you can check the ‘Don’t Forget to Breathe‘ feature to get a little insight on why this is important.

Light a candle – a good colour is white, which is the colour that contains an equal balance of all the other colours within. It also symbolizes purification, enlightenment, protection and cleansing.

Write down on a piece of paper everything that you want to let go. So often we are not even aware of that which we need to let go, we just keep thinking, worrying and stressing about it, which does not serve us or anyone else.  You can write down as many things as you want. I have done this both alone and with friends and it’s funny how well it works. It can be anything – think along the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental levels.

When you have written everything down, take a few moments,  close your eyes, focus  your attention on your breath. Take this time to honour that which you need to let go; have gratitude for the lessons and ask for whatever it is to now leave you.  When you feel ready to let go, burn your paper in the flame. One time I did this at my friend’s house and we almost set her flat alight, so I would recommend to do this outside, or at least out of a window, or in a big metal pan, or in the sink also works. Make sure you are safe! If you are outside also be aware to do it in a safe place!

I love fire, it represents spirit and transformation. As you watch the flames take away everything that no longer serves you, imagine they are being transformed into something that will be much more beneficial to yourself and others.


For more on the eclipse and when and where to view it, check HERE


The times of the full moon are (taken from

Monday * 28th September 2015 * 04:50:31 am
Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Moon sign: Aries 04° 40′

Here you find this time converted into different timezones for other cities:
WELLINGTON = Monday * 28th September 2015 * 03:50:31 pm (NZDT)
SYDNEY = Monday * 28th September 2015 * 12:50:31 pm (AEST)
TOKYO = Monday * 28th September 2015 * 11:50:31 am (JST)
BEIJING = Monday * 28th September 2015 * 10:50:31 am (CST)
BANGKOK = Monday * 28th September 2015 * 09:50:31 am (ICT)
DELHI = Monday * 28th September 2015 * 08:20:31 am (IST)
DUBAI = Monday * 28th September 2015 * 06:50:31 am (GST)
MOSCOW = Monday * 28th September 2015 * 05:50:31 am (MSK)
BERLIN = Monday * 28th September 2015 * 04:50:31 am (CEST)
LAGOS = Monday * 28th September 2015 * 03:50:31 am (WAT)
LONDON = Monday * 28th September 2015 * 03:50:31 am (BST)
RIO = Sunday * 27th September 2015 * 11:50:31 pm (BRT)
SANTIAGO = Sunday * 27th September 2015 * 11:50:31 pm (CLT)
NEW YORK = Sunday * 27th September 2015 * 10:50:31 pm (EDT)
MEXICO CITY = Sunday * 27th September 2015 * 09:50:31 pm (CDT)
CALGARY = Sunday * 27th September 2015 * 08:50:31 pm (MDT)
LOS ANGELES = Sunday * 27th September 2015 * 07:50:31 pm (PDT)
ANCHORAGE = Sunday * 27th September 2015 * 06:50:31 pm (AKDT)
HONOLULU = Sunday * 27th September 2015 * 04:50:31 pm (HAST)


This post was written by Kim Booth


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